A Rede Antissocial: Dos Memes ao Caos

A Rede Antissocial: Dos Memes ao Caos

The Antisocial Network: Memes to Mayhem

Mar. 10, 202486 Min.


De trolagens a teorias da conspiração. Entenda como um site anônimo transformou o mundo em uma esfera gigante de desinformação neste documentário.



Fuxnet isSelf - Anonymous Member
Self - Anonymous Member
Amanda isSelf - Anonymous Member
Self - Anonymous Member
Aubrey Cottle isSelf - 4chan Founder
Self - 4chan Founder
W.T. Snacks isSelf - 4chan Programmer and Moderator
Self - 4chan Programmer and Moderator
Dale Beran isSelf - Journalist
Self - Journalist
CardCaptor Will isSelf - Cosplayer
Self - Cosplayer
Gregg Housh isSelf - Anonymous Founder
Self - Anonymous Founder
Hatesec isSelf - Anonymous Member and Writer
Self - Anonymous Member and Writer
Jeremy Hammond isSelf - Activist and Hacker
Self - Activist and Hacker

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